Tuesday, July 10, 2012



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In bed - Impudent aggressiveness;boldness 2. (.....) is a compound meter used in classical Arabic poetry – Symbol of nickel 3. Type of computer memory unit - Type genus of the Sulidae - An official prosecutor for a judicial district 4. A man who serves as a sailor – Symbol of barium - Damage, mutilate, spoil, deface 5. (….) Akiyama, Japanese actress - A woollen cap of Scottish origin 6. Objective form of "I" - An ancient village in Hungary 7. Being one more than ten – A kind of porter 8. Symbol of radium - An ancient country in southwestern Asia to the east of the Tigris River (in what is modern Iran) - Expresses position, direction or location, or point in time 9. Auguste de Niederhäusern, better known as (…) 10. Breathe - The friend of Phintias who pledged his life that Phintias would return (4th century BC)
ACROSS (from right to left)
1. Kenan (…);former president of Turkey – (....) River; a river in the Basque Country, Spain 2. To or toward the inside of - A Total Ionic Strength Adjustment Buffer (abbr.) 3. A public promotion of some product or service - Alternative Land Use Strategy (abbr.) – Symbol of beryllium 4. Belemish, defect - The muscles of the abdomen – Betray; blabber; bugger 5. Entangle; felt; flatness - Avillage on the west coast of the island of Borðoy in the Faroe Islands 6. A domesticated animal - A quad with a square body 7. An extreme leftist terrorist group formed in Greece (abbr.) - A municipality located in the Belgian province of East Flanders 8. Symbol of tantalum – Manful - A unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters 9. Any property detected by the olfactory system 10. A member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons - A suitable moment
1. Assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing - Become one 2. An imaginary elephant that appears in a series of French books for children – Symbol of lanthanum 3. Symbol of einsteinium – Frost, hoar, hoarfrost - A note in music 4. Treat, mention, or speak to rudely – Type of ice  5. The lowest brass wind instrument - Electric Light Orchestra, a British rock music group (abbr.) 6. Louisiana (abbr.) - Threose nucleic acid (abbr.) - A mountain in Japan 7. Exclamation expressing gratitude, thanks - Men's rights activist (abbr.) 8. Rhode Island (abbr.) - A town and municipality in Serbia - A mystical or sacred syllable in the Indian religions, including Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism 9. Dike - A town in Burkina Faso 10. Type of cheese - Attack someone physically or emotionally
1.A Cuban label, located in Havana - Atown in Spain 2. Alabama - India origin of a musical instrument 3. I am - An independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia) – Sutheast 4. Ffty-fifty – A town in Serbia 5. (Spanish) expression of victory – Adjoin; border 6. Social insect living in organized colonies – Symbol of aluminium 7. A human limb - Expressing a rate - Used of a single unit or thing; not two or more(dialect) 8. An indefinitely short time - A type of salad made in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore - A board of the British government that administers and collects major direct taxes 9. Noting or pert - Very foolish 10. Annotations - Engage in


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